Ordnance Factory Medak (OFMK) has published recruitment notification for engagement of Tool Designer (Mechanical) posts purely a temporary and ad-hoc engagement for a Fixed Term to meet temporary functional requirements. The selection will be made through short listing and interview. The closing date for receipt of applications is 16th February 2025.
Age Limit:
Maximum 63 years as on date of advertisement (27/01/2025).
Monthly Salary:
₹ 30,000/- per month.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering or equivalent or BE in Mechanical Engineering.
- Minimum 10 years work experience.
Selection Process:
- Shortlisting
- Interview
How to Apply:
- Eligible and Interested candidates may apply in prescribed application format. The Hard copy of duly filled in application shall be submitted along with scanned self-attested copies of evidence of proof of age, qualification and experience, last drawn pay including level/grade or CTC as applicable etc. The application, complete in all respects together should be sent through Indian Post- Ordinary Post/ Speed Post/
to”The Deputy General Manager/HR,
Ordnance Factory Medak,
Yeddumailaram, Dist. Sanga Reddy,
Telangana – 502205″
- postal cover super-scribing the envelope with the Advertisement No & name of the post applied for.
- The closing date for receipt of applications is 16/02/2025.